About AADV 

Mission Statement

"Leadership in sharing and caring for dermatology across borders in Asia"

The Charter of the AADV shall be:

1. To represent and to develop the specialty of dermatology among the members of Asian national dermatological Societies/Associations

2. To enhance the status and the independent development of the various national, regional societies and associations like the LADS and the ADA.

3. To act as an avenue to cater for the participation of members of other national dermatological societies currently not in either the LADS or the ADA.

4. To enhance the development and sharing of best clinical practice in dermatology in Asia

5. To be the platform for the development of harmonisation of standards in dermatology amongst the Asian countries

6. To enhance cross-border social development, fellowship and technical exchange in dermatology in Asia.


Ordinary Members AADV
Qualified dermatologists who are members of their national dermatological societies/ associations shall be entitled to join as members of the AADV. Applications shall be submitted in the prescribed application form supported by verification by their individual dermatological society/association.

Membership of the AADV shall be approved upon registration and attendance of a scientific event, meeting or conference organised or affiliated with the AADV/LADS.

The entrance fee for membership shall be incorporated into the registration fee of such events, meetings or conferences organised by, affiliated to or supported by the AADV/LADS

Members of the AADV are required to attend at least one of such meeting a year to be entitled for benefits of the AADV.


Individual societies/associations can propose nominations for Fellowship of the AADV from suitable senior dermatologist whom in their opinion have contributed significantly to the development of the dermatology. Admission to Fellowship of the AADV shall be made by the Board at the Annual Meeting of the AADV. Fellows of the AADV shall be entitled to preferential registrations fees at all meeting, conferences and events organized or affiliated with the AADV/LADS as determined by the Organising Committee.

Charter Members/Foundation Fellows/Honorary Fellows/AADV
The Board of the AADV shall invite and approve suitable dermatologists normally resident in the countries of Asia to be admitted as Charter members and or Foundation Fellows of the AADV in recognition of their past and present services to the LADS and the AADV. The Board may confer Honorary Fellowship upon any person who may or may not be dermatologists but whom the Board deems to have significantly served the interest of dermatology in Asia and the AADV. There shall be no fee required for admission of Charter members/Foundation Fellows/Honorary Fellows.

Board of AADV
The Board of the AADV shall be responsible to set policies and to oversee the development of the AADV in line with the objectives stated in the Charter.

• President

• Two Deputy-Presidents

• Secretary-General

• Treasurer

• Six other Board Members

• CEO of the AADV(ex-officio)

Six members of the Board shall each be from the national dermatological societies of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and Vietnam who shall represent the interest of dermatologist from their respective national societies. Dermatologists from the national societies of the remaining Asian countries shall be represented on the Board by respective nominees appointed by the board pending a memorandum of agreement between the said societies and the AADV.

The Board shall meet regularly at all meetings, conferences, Annual Meetings organised by or any such meetings and conferences affiliated to or supported by the AADV. In between meetings of the Board, all decisions of the Board shall be made by way of circular resolutions. In the event of an inability to reach a consensus, Board decisions shall be by way of majority vote.

Management of the AADV

The office of the AADV shall vest within the Secretariat of the LADS until such a time as determined by the Board. The Secretary-General shall be responsible for management and execution of all policies and decisions of the Board and the day-to-day business of the AADV. He shall be assisted by a Chief Executive Officer who shall be an ex-officio of the Board.

The Board shall also appoint Board Committees to assist its function when deemed necessary.

The website of the AADV shall be: www.asianderm.org

Members in benefit and Fellows shall have full access to the AADV's website for the purpose of information and communication to and from the Board. 

Financial Policy of the AADV

The financial policy of the AADV shall be as determined by the Board at every Annual Meeting. The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for the preparation and submission of the Annual Statement Accounts of the AADV. The Annual Statement of Accounts shall be audited by two independent Honorary Auditors who shall be elected from amongst its members at the Annual Meeting of the AADV. 

Corporate Governance Policy
The Board shall represent and act on behalf of all ordinary members, charter members, fellows and stakeholders of the AADV. The Board shall responsible for the development of policies and programs in line with the Charter and objectives of the AADV. Members of the Board shall be free from any vested interest, economic and material relationship with the AADV and its management.

To be appointed to be members of the Board, qualified dermatologists should have served as principal council members of their national dermatological societies or with the LADS. The function of Board Committees is to assist the Board in specific areas within their terms of reference so as to enable the Board to meet with its obligations in line with the Charter and objectives of the AADV. Board Committees will be required to regularly submit their report, findings and recommendations to the Board.

The Secretary-General shall ensure that members and fellows and all stakeholders are regularly informed of the AADV's strategic plans, financial and other policies and corporate practice guidelines.

AADV Program 2009/2010

• Asian Dermatology Summit (Asean 5+5) and Inaugural Meeting of the AADV, Hanoi Hilton, 5.11.2009

• Council Meeting of the LADS/Board Meeting of the AADV, Hanoi Hilton, 5.11.2009

• Asian Psoriasis Forum, 5th November 2009, Hanoi Hilton

• Asian Hair Forum 2009, 5th to 7th November 2009, Hanoi Hilton

• LADS/AADV Satellite Meeting, Hanoi Hilton, 6th to 7th November 2009

• 19th Regional Conference of Dermatology(Asian-Australasian), Kuala Lumpur, 28th to 31st October 2010

• Satellite Meeting Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 2011

• 20th Regional Conference of Dermatology(Asian-Australasian), Manila 2012


Being a member of the Asian Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AADV) connects you to join a wide network of your peers across Asia, to make progress and enhance the practice and industry.

There are several types of membership available, click below to find out more:

• Ordinary Members

• Fellows

• Charter Members/Foundation Fellows/Honorary Fellows

Download membership form here

Ordinary Members AADV 

Qualified dermatologists who are members of their national dermatological societies/ associations shall be entitled to join as members of the AADV.

Applications shall be submitted in the prescribed application form supported by verification by their individual dermatological society/association.

Membership of the AADV shall be approved upon registration and attendance of a scientific event, meeting or conference organised or affiliated with the AADV/LADS.

The entrance fee for membership shall be incorporated into the registration fee of such events, meetings or conferences organised by, affiliated to or supported by the AADV/LADS

Members of the AADV are required to attend at least one of such meeting a year to be entitled for benefits of the AADV.

Membership Benefits 

As a member you get the latest information on dermatology events, resources and interact with one another.

The AADV's website offers convenient access to valuable and timely information to keep its members abreast of the latest developments in dermatology.

• Breaking news in dermatology

• Events & Meeting information

• E-news

• Access to AADV calendar of dermatologic events

The AADV helps its members keep up to date on dermatologic meetings around the region as well as posts activities held at a national and international level.

Access to AADV newsletter
The AADV newsletter is published online bi-annually, covering the latest happenings, developments, discoveries and medical related activities across the region.
A copy may be printed for offline consumption.

Community Service Initiatives and partnerships
The AADV welcomes ideas and community outreach projects that seek to improve the knowledge and understanding on better dermatologt healthcare delivery, community-centred raising awareness of skin diseases and sharing of best clincal dermatology practice in Asia.

If you would like to work with AADV, kindly contact us. 

Reduced fees for AADV sponsored meetings and events
Save on fees for medical meetings and events. Our members are eligible for reduced fees and eligibility for scholarships/sponsorships for meetings and events organized or supported by AADV.

Government affairs and advocacy
The AADV aims to champion the interest of its members. To raise an issue to our attention, you may contact us.

Currently, AADV liaisons are striving to:

• Improve regulations on a national and regional level that impact a dermatologist's ability to determine appropriate care for the patient

• Enhance the development and sharing of best clinical practice in dermatology in Asia

• Develop and harmonise standards in dermatology amongst the Asian countries

AADV Secretariat
The AADV secretariat allows members to have one contact point for answers to a host of queries.
Among other things, the Secretariat can assist you with:

• Membership application and confirmation

• Membership fees and dues

• Material requests

• Updates on meetings and events

Access to Web site development

For a special fee, the AADV is able to assist you in designing, populating and maintaining your website.

Fellows AADV 
Individual societies/associations can propose nominations for Fellowship of the AADV from suitable senior dermatologist whom in their opinion have contributed significantly to the development of the dermatology.

Admission to Fellowship of the AADV shall be made by the Board at the Annual Meeting of the AADV. Fellows of the AADV shall be entitled to preferential registrations fees at all meeting, conferences and events organized or affiliated with the AADV/LADS as determined by the Organising Committee.


Charter Members/Foundation Fellows/Honorary Fellows AADV 
The Board of the AADV shall invite and approve suitable dermatologists normally resident in the countries of Asia to be admitted as Charter members and or Foundation Fellows of the AADV in recognition of their past and present services to the LADS and the AADV.

The Board may confer Honorary Fellowship upon any person who may or may not be dermatologists but whom the Board deems to have significantly served the interest of dermatology in Asia and the AADV.

There shall be no fee required for admission of Charter members/ Foundation Fellows/ Honorary Fellows.