Dear Colleagues,
It is an honour for Dermatological Society of
Malaysia to organise this premier dermatology
meeting again after ten years. As President, I would like to welcome all delegates to the
19th Regional Conference of Dermatology
(Asian-Australasian) to be held at Kota Kinabalu,
Sabah, East Malaysia, in the year 2010.
The theme “Dermatology Without Borders” will give the spirit to all of us to enhance our dermatology practice to meet the needs of the region. With the prominent Faculty of Speakers, well chosen scientific topics and our great interest, this 19th RCD will be an academically fruitful meeting to us.
The venue, Magellan Sutera & Pacific Sutera Hotels, Sutera Harbour, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, will complement the scientific meeting with many interesting pre and post congress activities. We hope the delegates and the accompanying persons will enjoy coming to this meeting.
We welcome all delegates and accompanying persons and look forward to meeting you in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
See you there.

Dr Mardziah Alias
Dermatological Society of Malaysia